His kingdom as a whole aside,
There were other problems with select individuals;
There is one among those outside his haven,
One regarded as his best companion,
Which was also his greatest competition,
In his personal quest to acquire,
The greatest of his selfish desire;
The one which is both his toxin and treasure,
The one resilient rose with unmatched inner fire.
In his rage and wish for rebellion,
Came an impulsive thought for retribution,
To bring down this so called companion,
With a cruel, heartless execution.
As his conscience made a miraculous return,
He was no more of his own pure extraction,
As the days of his life in this world goes by,
More humane became his thoughts and actions,
More than ever did he cared for the suffering of others.
Returning to his private refuge,
His true friends remained cheerful,
Past tragedies solved with results sweetly fruitful.
Unwilling to spoil the happy mood,
The Devil chose to hide his trouble under a hood.
Donning the false smile he always had on,
He lived on with the jumpy bunch as a con.
Staring at his own reflection,
He tried to make a connection,
Between his existence and those around him.
But to judge others by their exterior people are to prefer,
No new acquaintance could truly see his true character.
So sad for the Devil that these included,
The one lovely flower that he was after.
Picking up the pieces of the shattered glass,
He lived on with all he love he could cast,
Hoping that one fine day she will finally see,
The passionate side of his dark personality.